Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why Homeopathic Treatment?

Why Homeopathic Treatment?

The goal of this article is to describe four major benefits of homeopathic treatment for you in your life. This is to arm you with knowledge about this profound and effective healing modality as you consider various options for your health care needs.
First, homeopathy is safe, gentle, and a reliable method of healing. It was formally established as its own system of healing in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnemann was a German physician who had become very discouraged about the medical practices of his time, namely blood letting, and the heavy use of purgatives and emetics, just to name a few. He sought a much gentler and safer way to help his patients. Not only did he succeed in that goal, but he also found a form of true healing that provides lasting relief. Through homeopathic treatment, the end goal is the complete annihilation to that person's susceptibility for their current illness. In this way, Dr. Hahnemann formulated a true medical healing art.
Second, homeopathy is non-toxic, non-habit forming, and will not interfere with current medications you may be on. In fact, throughout homeopathic treatment, your constitution becomes stronger and your vitality increased; such that you are less and less dependent on the medications over time. After full homeopathic treatment, patients frequently find themselves having no co-pays for a medication they once thought they may have had to always take. There are no side effects to taking homeopathic remedies. Nor are there any invasive procedures or expensive exams during homeopathic treatment, which cuts way back on its cost. Even though it is a fee-for-service profession, it is a far more economical selection of healing than any other conventional treatment for health and wellness purposes.
Third, during homeopathic treatment, you will receive homeopathic remedies, which are made mostly from plants and simple minerals. Homeopathic remedies are FDA approved. They seek to initiate the inherent healing response your body naturally has. Take, for example, a cut on your finger. Over time, your body will naturally heal that cut without any intervention on your part. That same healing intelligence of the body (we call it the Vital Force) is what homeopathy works with - not against. In conventional treatments, your symptoms get suppressed in the name of offering you immediate relief. Yet, those very symptoms, even though they are uncomfortable, are not meant to be suppressed. They are your body's natural and intelligent response to let you know something is wrong. In homeopathy, the remedies work with your body's attempt to heal, and do so in safe, gentle, and reliable ways.
Fourth, the scope of homeopathy is profound - it is useful for most mental, emotional, and physical complaints, both acute and chronic (long-standing). This means homeopathy is useful for you if you have any commonly understood pain, illness, and/or condition. The real benefit in this is that it's individualized to your unique symptom picture: mentally, emotionally, and physically. In this way, homeopathy does not treat, prevent, or cure diseases, as conventionally understood. Rather, it works to restore balance and provide healing for YOU. There is not one homeopathic remedy to take for gout, or allergies, or depression, for example. Rather, there is a homeopathic remedy that is selected for YOU, as you are experiencing your unique symptoms related to the disease you have, as well as how it impacts you mentally and emotionally. Considering all of that, homeopathy is one of the most complete systems of healing available in the world today.
Because homeopathy is safe, works with your body's ability to heal itself, is economical, and comprehensive, it is a viable and useful modality for your healing needs. People commonly see a homeopath for the following: anxiety/depression, ADD/ADHD, PMS/menstrual irregularities, menopause, prostate health/ED, allergies/asthma, ear infections, coughs, the flu, headaches, joint pains/arthritis, fibromyalgia, constipation/diarrhea, bladder infections, plus much more.

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The Advantages of Using Homeopathic Remedies

The Advantages of Using Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy is one of the most popular alternative treatment processes across the world. Initially homeopathic medicines could not earn fame and reliability like allopathic medicines did; but gradually it became popular across the world because views of people toward homeopathic process of treatment got changed drastically.
The popularity of these remedies is not a coincidence nor is it a matter of global whims. There are a lot many advantages of using homeopathic medicines and that's why these remedies enjoy undaunted popularity.
Some of the prime advantages of using homeopathic remedies are discussed here.
Unlike other medicines homeopathic remedies do not have any side effect and these remedies are absolutely safe besides it also improves the health and immunity of the body. Homeopathic remedies stimulate internal immunity power of the body and thus bring about prompt recovery from certain ailments. Another advantage of these remedies is that medicinal doses can be easily prescribed. Therefore, these homeopathic remedies are absolutely safe for children and adults alike.
The effectiveness of these remedies is unparalleled and undisputed. They have the potency to cure acute as well as chronic diseases. In fact, the practitioners of homeopathic medicine claim that in comparison to allopathic medicines, homeopathic remedies offer curative treatment for a wide range of chronic and so-called incurable ailments.
These remedies are easy to administer and their shelf life is longer than allopathic and ayurvedic medicines. These medicines are generally dispensed as tiny sweet sugar pills which are not only easy to carry but can also be easily given to children.
Homeopathic remedies are a cost efficient treatment process in comparison to allopathic and ayurvedic medicines. Moreover the treatment of homeopathy is mainly done on the basis of symptoms. Thus homeopathic treatment process does not require costly diagnostic examinations or tests. Homeopathic remedies save lots of money of the patient.
Another great advantage of these remedies is that they have the power to completely cure the disease. They are found to be highly effective and provide holistic treatment for every kind chronic ailment. The recovery process might be little lengthy but it proves fruitful in the long run because consistent homeopathic treatment improves over all well-being of the patient and ensure better health on a long term basis.
Homeopathic medicines are made from natural ingredients and doctors never put any restriction to their use for curing diseases that pregnant ladies generally suffer from. While these remedies are great for children, those adults who are under hormonal treatment or taking radiation or chemotherapy treatment can also take homeopathy remedies to boost their health.
These are great advantages of homeopathic medicine.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011



When it comes to diseases of twenty first century, we all think that syndrome X comprising of diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia is the topmost disorder. Well, it’s not false but here is another disease that is increasing in its incidence, pertaining to instant foods and irregular eating habits of people. Yes, I am talking about piles, which are technically termed as hemorrhoids.

In the simplest terms, we can say that hemorrhoids are the varicose veins of rectum and anal canal. The engorged veins in the rectum lead to piles, which may be external or internal. External piles are covered by skin while the internal ones are covered with mucus membrane.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

(1) Heredity: However we blame the eating habits, the first culprit lies in our genetic make up. Congenital weakness of blood vessel walls is found in families, which are prone to hemorrhoids. Also in some families, very large arterial supply to hemorrhoidal plexus is found. This may be called as a non-modifiable factor; however, with apt precautions and treatment, this tendency can be curbed positively.

(2) Pregnancy: Due to straining during childbirth, many women suffer from post-partum hemorrhoids. Sometimes they occur lately also. Due to lax pelvic floor muscles and ligaments, venous walls get loosened too, because of which protrusion of hemorrhoids may occur.

(3) Chronic constipation: This is by far the commonest cause of hemorrhoids. If the wrong eating habits are left uncorrected, patient suffers from chronic constipation. Also drinking less water, too spicy food, lack of exercise, etc account for exciting factors for aggravating latent hemorrhoids.

(4) Colitis, dysenteries, diarrheas, and enteritis etc may lead to hemorrhoids if left untreated for long.

(5) Serious diseases: In some serious health conditions like systemic or portal hypertension, inferior vena caval congestion, cardiac or pulmonary disease, cancer of rectum, etc.

Signs and Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

Bleeding per anus is the commonest symptom of hemorrhoids. Bright red blood oozing during stools is usually the first symptom experienced by many patients. Protrusion of hemorrhoids palpable per anus is usually the late sign. Internal hemorrhoids however may not lead to bleeds, but develop acute pain while defecation. The pain is usually excruciating and may remain even after stool in form of dull ache. Mucus discharge may accompany prolapsed hemorrhoids. Complications like profuse hemorrhage, thrombosis, strangulation of piles, ulceration, and rarely gangrene can occur if hemorrhoids are left untreated for long.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and homeopathic approach:

Conventional treatment of hemorrhoids most of the times is surgical intervention. Hemorrhoidectomy is performed under general or local anesthesia. But we certainly have homeopathy as the best weapon to treat hemorrhoids and cure them completely. According to homeopathy, hemorrhoids occur in people with venous constitution usually. This tendency can be curbed by utilizing aptly chosen constitutional medicine, which is selected by considering the totality of symptoms. Numerous locally acting medicines may be used at times to lessen bleeding, pain and/or mucus. But remember these local medicines have to be backed with constitutional and miasmatic remedy for perfect cure.
Several homeopathic medicines have to be thought of while treating hemorrhoids. Aloe socotrina, Nux vomica, Aesculus, Hamamelis, Collinsonia, Pulsatilla, Graphites, Calcarea carb, etc are some of the homeopathic remedies, which can alleviate the pain and bleeding.

supplementary line of treatment:

Well, as for any other disease, some preventive aspects are very important in hemorrhoidal cases. Here is the list-

  • Regularize your eating habits (crucially important)
  • Eat food rich in fiber
  • Avoid too much fatty stuff and spices,
  • Drink lot of water,
  • Exercise regularly
  • Seek medical help immediately upon any type of intestinal problems
  • Avoid frequent use of laxatives and purgatives

Cure of Constipation In Homeopathy!

Cure of Constipation In Homeopathy!

Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self medicate.

Regular and satisfactory bowel movement is bliss! But sadly not many people enjoy this gift and suffer from what we term as constipation. Hard, difficult to pass stools irrespective of the frequency of bowel movement is also called as constipation.
Lots of factors come into play when it comes to regular bowel movement. Inadequate fiber in diet, drinking less water, eating instant food, sedentary habits, etc are some of the factors that are modifiable. Rather a doctor must advice modifications in every patient complaining of constipation instead of merely suggesting remedies; only then the cure can be said complete. Maintaining factors often are the crucial factors that hamper the way to cure. Most importantly the physical activity must be stressed the lack of which is THE reason in many of the patients these days.
There are certain problems that also include constipation as one of the symptoms. The diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes, scleroderma, spinal cord injuries, etc are some of the problems giving rise to constipation.
Homeopathic Medicines for Alleviating the Constipation-
As we always say, nullifying the symptoms is the way to cure for any disease. Therefore, the name of disease is certainly not important while we treat any malady. The symptoms of the disease considered in totality help one find the accurate remedy for any disease, rather person. Constipation can be effectively dealt with as a symptom in homeopathy and there are quality medicines that can be employed homeopathically to help one restore normal bowel function. Let’s see some of the important remedies and their differentiating features for constipation—
(1) Alumina-
· No desire for defecation
· Hard dry and knotty stools
· Itching at anus
· Even soft stool is pushed with difficulty
· Long before the evacuation there is a painful urge sometimes; but ha to strain a lot
· Pressing in groins
· Associated with dryness of mucus membranes everywhere
· Moody person with hasty hurried attitude
(2) Alumen-
· Extremely severe constipation
· No desire for days together
· Absolute lack of ability to expel stools
· Despite passing the hard stools, the rectum feels full
· Stitching pain in rectum after stool for long time
· Associated with hemorrhoids
· Constricted sensation in mucus outlets
(3) Ammonium mur-
· Crumbling stools at the verge of anus
· Itchy sensation pervades rectum
· Hard stools covered glairy mucus
· Mucus stools (often green) alternating with constipation
· Smarting and burning pains in rectum during and after stool
· Associated with the thirst for lemonade
· Hemorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhea
(4) Antim crud-
· Marked anal itching
· Old cases of irritable bowel syndrome, where constipation alternates with diarrhea
· Hard lumps of stools mixed with watery discharge
· Bloated abdomen after eating
· Entirely mucus stools at times
· Haggard look on face, suggesting subdued liver function
· Marked craving for sour food, especially pickles
(5) Bryonia-
· Stools seem large, hard, as if burnt
· Lack of desire for stools
· Tender abdomen
· Burning pains in rectum with sensation as if peristalsis has come to a stop
· Associated with thirst for large quantities of water
· Pressure in stomach as of a stone
· Irritability is often a concomitant in all Bryonia patients
(6) Calcarea carb-
· Stools at first hard, then soft, then liquid
· Large and hard stools
· Stinging hemorrhoids
· Most Calcarea patients however do not complain of constipation; they are better with it
· Has to be associated with sour belching, sourness pervading the system
· Fearful gesture, with marked fear of disease
· Indolent types, averse to any type of exertion
(7) Carduus mar-
· Venous constitutions with dropsical swellings
· Bright yellow stools, hard, dry, knotty; often alternates with diarrhea
· Constipation in patients with gall-stone disease
· Tender liver region
· Hemorrhagic piles
· Burning pains in anus and rectum
(8) Collinsonia-
· Sharp sticking pains in rectum
· Most obstinate constipation with hemorrhoids
· Constipation during pregnancy
· Alternate constipation and diarrhea
· Itchy anus with constricted sensation
· Painful bleeding piles
· Venous engorgement of rectum
· Mental emotions or excitement aggravates, better by heat
(9) Graphites-
· Climacteric constipation
· Knotty stools with mucus threads
· Soreness of anus
· Anal fissures
· Undigested stools, very offensive, with fetid flatulence
· Hemorrhoids with itching of anus
· Associated with constrictive pains in stomach
· Must loosen clothing around waist
(10) Kali bichrom-
· Marked periodicity associated with constipation
· Sensation of plug in anus, worse mornings
· Associated with pain across the loins and brown urine
· Cutting pains in abdomen after eating
· Constipation in fat, flabby, light complexioned people
· Most suited to subacute stages and not violent ones
(11) Lachesis-
· Offensive stools with tightness of anus
· Pain through rectum and anus while coughing, sneezing, etc
· Purplish protruding hemorrhoids
· Blackish discharge-bleeding from bowels
· Abdomen sensitive, cannot bear anything around waist
· Associated with gnawing hunger spells
(12) Mag mur-
· Constipation of infants during dentition
· Sheep dung like stools, knotty, in small quantities
· Crumbling stools at the verge of anus
· Bloated feeling in abdomen, worse after eating
· Associated with painful hemorrhoids
(13) Mezereum-
· Constipation after the delivery of child
· With bearing down pains in rectum
· Alternating with greenish offensive diarrhea
· Associated with colic at times, with shivering and difficult breathing
· Associated with watering of mouth and some or the other skin concomitant
(14) Nux vomica-
· Ineffectual urging for stool is the hallmark of the remedy, whether in constipation or diarrhea
· Has to go several times in the morning and still feels unsatisfactory
· Irregular peristalsis
· Absence of all desire to defecate is a strong contraindication to use Nux
· Uneasiness in rectum
· Associated with flatulent distension and chilliness
(15) Plumbum met-
· Black, lumpy stools
· Frequent urging and spasms of anus
· Impacted stools with sensation as if anus is drawn upwards with constriction
· Associated with colicky pains radiating to all body parts
· Neuralgic pains in rectum
(16) Sulphur-
· Fears defecation on account of severe burning pains
· Unsuccessful desire to defecate frequently but passes small quantity every time
· Marked redness around anus with itching and burning
· Oozing hemorrhoids
· Good appetite or total loss of appetite; all gone sensation about 11am is frequent concomitant
· Feels as something is alive in abdomen

· Milk leads to constipation spells

Best 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Eye Problems!

Best 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Eye Problems!

Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self medicate.

Eyes are the doorway to one’s soul! Eyes reflect mind, eyes reflect psyche, and eyes reflect HEALTH!
No wonderhomeopathy that caters effectively the ‘mind’ of an individual has lot to offer in problems of eyes. Eye is certainly one of the most delicate organs of the body and therefore, caring for eyes has to be done by an expert homeopath. A homeopath might want to consult an ophthalmologist to rule out certain critical eye problems before proceeding for the treatment. But here one should remember that while treating homeopathically, we should not give much importance to the diagnostic name of the eye problem but its signs and symptoms that point us to the accurate remedy.

There are hoards of homeopathic remedies useful in the treatment of various eye problems. However, one must remember that for constitutional eye problems like cataract, glaucoma, recurrent blepharitis or conjunctivitis, corneal opacities, and/or recurrent styes, one must go for constitutional prescribing after carefully considering the physical, mental, and emotional characteristic of the individual; then only it is possible to impart perfect cure! But one must be acquainted with certain remedies that specifically render beautiful results in varied eye problems so that they can be used for acute prescribing as well.

Here is the list of top 10 homeopathic remedies for eye problems—

(1) Euphrasia-
-         Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis
-         Eyes water all the time with inclination to blink frequently
-         Acrid burning eye discharge that corrodes the margins of the lids
-         Corneal opacities with thick discharges that burn
-         Blistery cornea
-         One of the great remedies for rheumatic iritis that may be associated with partial ptosis
-         Almost always associated with bland and watery coryza
-         Swelling of the lids with burning, which feels better when in open air
-         Worse in the evening, indoors, light, warmth
-         Better open air, coffee, dark
-         Must be compared with Allium cepa while dealing with allergic rhinitis associated with conjunctivitis. In Allium cepa, eye discharges are bland and coryza is acrid.

(2) Ambrosia-
-         Allergic eye problems
-         Intolerable itching of lids
-         Smarting and burning in eyes with watery coryza and nosebleed
-         Wheezy cough almost always present with eye problems
-         Compare with Sabadilla, Arundo

(3) Ruta-
-         Eye-strain headaches
-         Red hot eyes with pain in eyes
-         Especially associated with sewing or reading fine print
-         Accommodation of vision disturbed
-         Weariness in eyes with headache
-         Excessive lassitude associated with eye troubles
-         Bruised, pressure feeling over the eyes
-         Compare with Natrum mur, Argentum nitricum

(4) Pulsatilla-
-         Pulsatilla is one of the most invaluable homeopathic medicines for eye troubles.
-         Bland thick greenish eye discharges call for it
-         Associated with itching and burning sensation
-         Recurrent styes invariably need a dose of Pulsatilla during the course
-         Inflamed agglutinated eye-lids
-         Sub-acute eye complaints in venous constitutions
-         Sub-acute conjunctivitis associated with dyspepsia
-         Veins of fundus oculi enlarged
-         All complaints are worse in warm room and better when in open air

(5) Spigelia-
-         Neuralgic eye pains
-         Pressing pains in eyes on turning them
-         Extreme photophobia
-         Rheumatic ophthalmia
-         Pains in and around eyes feel as if extending deep into the socket
-         Eyes feel too large
-         Very sensitive to touch
-         Worse from touch, jar, noise
-         Better by lying with head high

(6) Apis mellifica-
-         Swollen, edematous lids that burn and itch
-         Bright red puffy conjunctiva
-         Prevents recurrence of styes
-         Pain around orbits with serous exudates
-         Swelling below the lower lid (upper lid- Kali carb)
-         May be associated with urinary problem
-         Worse heat, touch, pressure, right side
-         Better cold washing, open air

(7) Merc sol-
-         Syphilitic eye troubles
-         Thick, red, swollen lids
-         Profuse burning acrid eye discharges
-         Floaters
-         Eye trouble that starts after exposure to the glare of fire etc
-         Iritis with thick corroding discharges
-         Extremely offensive eye discharges
-         Boils in and around eyes with yellow fetid pus
-         Worse at night, wet damp weather, warmth

(8) Silica-
-         Day-light produces sharp pains through the eyes
-         Tenderness of eyes worse when closed or pressured
-         Suppuration in the anterior chamber of the eye, iritis
-         Confused sort of vision where letter run together while reading
-         Lachrymal duct affections
-         Has potential to clear corneal opacities when homeopathically indicated
-         Cataract in office workers
-         Worse new moon, cold
-         Better warmth

(9) Hepar sulph-
-         Corneal ulcers
-         Suppurative eye troubles, iritis with pus in anterior chamber
-         Conjunctivitis with purulent discharges
-         Red and inflamed lids and conjunctivae
-         Pain in orbits
-         Soreness is marked in eyeballs
-         Objects appear red and enlarged
-         Half-reduced field of vision
-         Styes with pain and suppuration
-         Worse exposure to draft of cold, touch
-         Better warmth, wrapping up head

(10)                    Agaricus-
-         Double-vision with flickering before the eyes
-         Twitching of lids and eyeballs
-         Neuralgic eye pains
-         Letters seem to move or swim while reading
-         Agglutinated margins of lids with burning pains with red inner canthi
-         Eye troubles associated with vertigo and icy cold head
-         Worse open cold air